

Derivas por Praga

lov na duchy 31.10.2003
The first psychogeography walk in Prague happened on the 6.04.2003. Some 40 people took part in it and we were divided into 6 groups. There was one "mysterious group" that organized the whole walk independently on the rest of us and they sent us only 2 sms messages. We all used a very simple alghoritm: 2 left, 1 right, 2 left, for an hour. After the hour we all met in one café where we kicked out all the guests because we were very loud.

The largest group (8 people) started their walk at the St. Jacobs church http://web.ff.cuni.cz/~novakpe/psychogeografie/fotos.htm and did a lot of interventions on their walk. They were mainly interviewing people they met on the streets asking them silly questions, and they also used a lot of street art stickers. They have funny audio records of their interviews. For example, in the local comfort station in the center of the city they asked the lady who was working there which is the proper toilet for a transvestite. She called them little perverts and kicked them out of the place. They also decided to help the transvestite by sticking on the opposite small icons of man/woman toilet on the big signs. The most funny part was when they met another strange group on the streets - completely unknown people that seemed to be doing something like psychogeography (looking around the buildings and filling in some forms). They asked them if they were "fellow psychogeographers" but they were not. These people were playing some history architecture game organized by the society for the preservation of old Prague where they had to run around, find and document statues on the buildings. There is a whole subculture of weird people playing around this city that we probably do not know about. We do know about one group of similar interest to psychogeography, called Regula Pragensis http://www.ecn.cz/regula that organizes similar "walks" and explorations with algorithms in the nature (not so much in the city). They usually write diaries of such walks and publish them in their own magazine, "Lazensky host", one of the oldest samizdats in Bohemia since 1977. They call themselves an "organization of those who are in favor of creative playfulness, impressionability, openness and wisdom in a broad spectrum of human activities, from history, literature, a flight of a rooster, bleating of a sheep to philosophy and mythology".

více + fotky: http://uisk.jinonice.cuni.cz/kera/psychogeografie/

Jirkovy fotografie: http://uisk.jinonice.cuni.cz/kera/psychogeografie/ghost1/ghosthunt.html
Liborovy fotografie: http://uisk.jinonice.cuni.cz/kera/psychogeografie/ghost2/ghosthunt2.html
Steliny fotografie: http://uisk.jinonice.cuni.cz/kera/psychogeografie/ghost3/ghosthunt3.html
Joseho fotografie: http://uisk.jinonice.cuni.cz/kera/psychogeografie/ghost4/ghosthunt4.html

I've just been hanging out not getting anything done, but so it goes. It's not important. I haven't been up to much today.
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