Welcome to NomadInstitute
Welcome to NomadInstitute
german version: NomadInstitutgerman InNo webpage
moments Freakfrachter
No Action without Reflection
No Reflection without Action
we are a swarm of people, trying hard to stay in contact, learn, communicate and have fun. At this institute we want think and create, organise events and do some workshops
and of course:
present our current projects:
IllegalTourists | ThinkTank
events to come:
pranksters and clowns at TheLaboratoryOfInsurrectionaryImaginationHistory:
events 2004: NomadiCamp | RawWar | FreakFrachterMutantenLabor | CampTipsy | AlexMauer | AutonomousSpaces at London ESF | MauernProjektionen | ReiseFreiheitevents 2003: BoundariesToBridges | FreakFrachter | InnoKongress | ParanoidTimes
coordination: FFML DeKoLicht | TeamTreffen | MutantWorkers
contact: team | subscribe mailinglist | admin
also visit: memenet.de
who or what is the MemeNet ?
to be up to date: wiki-rss and image-gallery-rss