

GLOWLAB: The Supernatural Method for Location based Experience

about Glowlab
Glowlab is a Brooklyn-based creative lab exploring psychogeography as it relates to contemporary art. We publish a bi-monthly web-based magazine and produce events, lectures, projects and exhibitions. We're interested in how people are interpreting the idea of psychogeography today, at a time when the paper maps used in early dérives have been supplemented by mobile phones, wi-fi, GPS systems, and advanced field-recording techniques. By presenting new interpretations of traditional psychogeographic methods and practices, Glowlab supports and promotes the collective evolution of the field.

Bienvenidos Psicogeografos del Hemisferio al nuevo Web Site de GLOWLAB!
Welcome to the new Glowlab -- we're now a bi-monthly magazine for psychogeography and contemporary art.
Quick links, in case you're looking for: the Conflux festival
the Xanadu discussion


Psychogeography is an open and highly experimental discipline concerned with the ways in which the geographic environment affects emotions and behavior. The Situationists first coined the term psychogeography in the 1950s. They explored the city by engaging in “dérives” or observational drifts with the intention of discovering new perspectives on urban life. Current approaches to psychogeography vary, and include artistic, political, philosophical and scientific work in fields ranging from architecture to street art. Glowlab is particularly interested in the psychogeographic elements of contemporary public-space art, including performance, documentary work, film/video and urban research. We aim to bring together diverse perspectives on emerging methods and practice of psychogeography.

Glowlab was founded in 2002 by Brooklyn artist Christina Ray, and in the first year hosted a group exhibition, an audio/video performance and several walking experiments in New York and Germany. In 2003 we produced the first annual Conflux, a festival and conference in New York dedicated to current artistic and social investigations in psychogeography, held at community art and activist center ABC No Rio. In May 2004, the second annual Conflux took place at PARTICIPANT INC on the Lower East Side. The event grew to include over 50 artists from around the world who engaged in a wide variety of public-space projects, lectures, performances and audio events over the course of four days. In lieu of a 2005 Conflux, we've chosen to focus on our online efforts by rebuilding our website. Glowlab.com is now a web-based magazine for psychogeography, with projects developed by our core contributors in response to a new theme every two months.

Glowlab has worked with organizations including Creative Time, Parsons School of Design, the New Museum of Contemporary Art and Intel’s Berkeley Research Lab. Our projects have been featured extensively online and in publications such as the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Village Voice, Time Out, New York Press, and Utne, PDN and Flash Art magazines.

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